The point of this post is that I've recently decided I shall suck it up and quit smoking. It is currently day 4 of quitting my horrible habit, and I've never felt better... Well, I shouldn't say that. I do feel amazing, but I also have moments where I would like to punch the nearest person in the mouth, or steal their wallet and spend a copious amount of money on cigarettes. Luckily this hasn't happened...yet.
I've realized the main thing that is helping the cravings is working out daily. For some reason when I work out, any cravings that I would usually have through out the day have subsided. Oh, and drinking lots of water. I think I've switched the habit of smoking to drinking water. I'm addicted. I should watch my intake, I've heard that you can drown yourself if you drink too much h20. I guess that's better than dying of lung cancer. It isn't as satisfying, though.
Anyways, I figured it would be a good idea to talk about this on my blog, not only will it hold me personally accountable, but friends who read this can possibly hold me accountable as well.