Tonight I'm going to a murder mystery party with a few friends! I was given a role to play and here's the description, "Joseph K Awledge: costume: business suit, greesed slick hair, t shirt underneith buisness suit. Manger of Rock and Roley, sleazy, but charming. lots of gold jewellery. think 50's" I've never been to this kind of party, usually my kind of party constitutes me getting excessively drunk, and making a fool out of myself. So this will be a new little treat for me. The only downfall about going to a party like this is me having to go out and spend money on a sleazy jacket, and gold jewellery. Like I'll ever wear something like that EVER again in my life. Anyways, we'll see how this goes, and I'll post later about it.
Oh goodness. The party was such a good time! I wish I had a picture to post, but that'll come in time. So you know how I said I'd never wear the clothes again, well I bought dress pants, and they are pretty decent actually. Be jealous. And dinner...YUM. The host made burgers and curly fries, exactly like a 50's diner would. But yes, I'll post a pic of our outfits when I get access to them.

Oh, here's my most recently tagged pic on Facebook. Don't get too hot and bothered over me.
PS, this would be a fat-app on iPhones, I don't really look like this.
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