6 shifts left of work. 3 weekends left with best friends. 1 presentation, 1 paper, 3 exams left of school. 20 days left until I'm in Peru! I'm only weeks away from not living in Canada anymore. I feel excited, nervous, petrified, but mostly hot and bothered! This will be the first time in my life that I'll be by myself for any extended period of time where I know nobody. I'm getting out of Abbotsford, and it feels amazing. I'll be able to walk to streets of Cuzco and not see a single soul I know, unlike here if I did that I would be honked at because it's a one-horse town, and everybody knows everybody.
What am I looking forward to most, you might ask? Well, I'm excited that I don't have to think about school for a long time. I'm excited for the beautiful weather. I'm excited for wearing beaters and flip-flops errday. I'm excited to learn a new language. I'm excited for new friendships. I'm excited to just gtfo and find myself. What I'm not too excited for is that I'll be missing out on 2 months of summer with friends. Also not having anybody to cuddle with; this might be an issue. But I don't want to think about the negatives of when I'm down there. Because this trip will be good for me. Very good.
I just felt I needed to write down emotions before the trip, so I can look back and reminisce. Don't hate me because it's not a juicy blog post. Get over it.
Time for recent photos from FB.
I would just like to comment on the last photo; I look very unimpressed because my stomach was eating itself, and I was very focused on the sushi I was about to inhale later that day.

I know EXACTLY how you feel! I took off to Aussie by myself once upon a time. You may or may not have a moment when you get to Peru where you panic about not making any friends and be way over friendly and freak people out (or was that just me?).
ReplyDeleteEek! I'm so excited for you. Oh, heads up. Peruvians kiss each other on the cheeks every time they greet someone. Pucker up.
Who do you normally cuddle with?
ReplyDeletethis is an awesome post. love ya man
ReplyDeletemissing the cuddles too
Oooooh Peru. I didn't know. How fun for you. Good luck as you prepare and enjoy your finals days around Abby. :)