Why hello there bloggities, my name is Procrastination, nice to meet you. Maybe two hours ago I realized that I have a poli sci exam on Wednesday. Really? Are you kidding me? Where have I been? Oh yes, highly intoxicated since New Years. Anyways, how did I already get to this point of procrastination? In all of my classes I haven't even taken the slightest gander at my text books. They have been tucked away in my school bag for the past month, neglected. So in the next two days-ish I will have my nose tucked in the pages of Canadian history text, acting like I give a shit. Canadian patriotism at it's best. Just watch me, I'll be the next Stephan Harper..Wait, that is our prime minister, right? P.S. I've only been to one out of the five classes of my poli sci class. Why am I an university drop out?
I've figured out the root cause of my procrastination, and that would be my down fall in life currently. Friends. I hate them. They always want to hang out. Horrible friends I have... Bah! They need to stop being so awesome, and stop making me feel like I have to see them every day. Moderation, why didn't I learn you as a life skill as a child? Thanks Mom..
So, let us jump to another topic. What have I been up to as of late? Well lets see here. I've been to 3 separate birthdays in two days. This past Friday I went to a restaurant on Commercial in Vancouver called Havana. It's a go to place for a group of friends and I to drink gallons of mojitos in a short period of time. We enjoy it. Then we ended up loitering the streets for a bit. Good fun. When I got back into town I hit up Phoenix Lounge for another friend's birthday. I danced for an hour, and just about passed out on the D.floor from exhaustion. That's normal, right? Saturday. A different group of friends went to Vancouver to a club called Joe's Apartment. Don't go there unless you want to be eye fucked by a platoon of hipsters with 6 million facial piercings swaying back and forth to shitty music and taking up all the room for me to dance. (That sentence needed no punctuation due to my anger.) Then I ended up leaving Hip-ville to a friend's house for awhile, but later decided to go out again to a bar called Bayside. Now this was a treat. We ended up sitting at tables right beside a big group of Mexican guys. Get this.. They thought I was Jamie Oliver.. Yes, the naked chef. Really? Like come on! Anyways. I ended up getting a double tequila shot, and a corona out of them. Stereotypical? Maybe. But they were nice. So 330am rolls around, and I ended up crashing at the same friend's place.
I worked the next day. I think a little bit of me died inside from being how hung over I was. I couldn't even eat my spicy chicken burger I bought from Wendy's! The outrage. But yes, I need to relax for a bit, grab hold of 'dem reigns and get back on the school bus. If they'll let me back on...
Now lets review some pictulas from the night's events, which seems like we didn't take that many. Regardless, here's a few goodies.

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My pleasure,