Work. Starbucks. Pretentious folk. I feel like I need a vent. A good hearty vent. Let me just start this off with the fact that I have gauged ears, double zero to be exact. Not only do the Mennonites in town judge me because I have them, but some customers have been visibly repulsed by them. Since working at Starbucks I swear I have at least one person a day who asks, "Did that hurt to do that to your ears?" My reply, "I hate you, don't talk to me." Of course it did. Just imagine shoving a tapered piece of plastic through you ear to stretch the skin, then proceeding to hold it there until it heals. Please don't ask me about them if you are already on the verge of projectile vomiting over the counter. Topic one complete.
Topic two. $3.42. When you come into my store yelling $3.42 at me, expecting me to understand what the fuck you're saying/want, you most definitely deserve a slap to the throat. You're lucky that I have worked for the company for some time now, and have remembered the prices to most drinks, and that a tall latte is $3.42. Oh, also asking me when I'm making your drink, "Do you know what you're doing?", every single time you come in, does not only make me want to give you a decaf shot, a lougey, and a smack across the mouth, it makes me hate you. I tell you every single time that you come in I'm a supervisor, have worked at Starbucks for almost two years, and that I would hope by now I know how to make a tall latte because of those reasons. You, sir, do not make me a happy barista.
Thirdly, do not tell me you want a regular coffee. Nowhere on our menu boards does it say the size 'regular'. When I ask you what size you would like, do not tell me a regular AGAIN and start to get angry at me. I do not know what a regular is to you. Do I know you? No, I don't. So please stop saying regular repeatedly to my face, thanks.
#4. Security Boy Stalker. I don't know how you do it, but you always seem to find a way to lurk up behind me in the mall, where ever I may be, and strike up awkward conversations. I have no interest talking about feminism, and gypsies with you. Also, Security Boy Stalker, I know you have no reason to hang out at the garbage cans outside of our store, and act non challant. Please stand else where and protect the mall public from teenagers.
Fifthly- Please brush your teeth, your breath smells like a Komodo Dragon.
Don't get me wrong, I do have a lot of things to vent about with my job, doesn't everybody? But I also love and value working at Starbucks. I love the regular customers who come in every day, but it seems with every amazing regular there is 5 horrible customers. We need to fix this problem. Some of these vent topics could be possible solutions. Aka a smack the the throat.
Latest Facebook picture. (Merry Lou made a disgusting drink, I don't remember all what was in it. Except for the java chips at the bottom of the cup I discovered as pouring the bev out.) This is me enjoying it thoroughly, as you can see.

haahhahaha :)
ReplyDeleteI have discovered that Starbucks get the best and the worst customers. There are very little average ones. The roller coaster highs and lows drove me to quit.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure it was the customers who drove you to quit?