May 1, 2011

Oh Hi There, Peru

Baaaaah! So. I. Am. In. Peru. I am a dirty, white hipster that everybody stares at when I walk passed. I don't speak their language, and I just speed walk away when people ask me questions. There have been platoons of Peruvian Princesses for me to stare at. I just don't even know what to think right now. I already miss home.

So let me start off with I love my best friends, and I love that they took me downtown Vancouver to drink our faces off before I left. But this idea may have not been the greatest. We got back to the hotel around 3am, and I had to be at the airport at 530am... So not only was I sleep deprived, but I was also slightly intoxicated still. Whoops. But I wouldn't have had my last night in Canada any other way!!

Okay, back to Peru. Note to self: I will never travel alone again. I think I almost put myself in a self-induced coma from the amount of stress I was going through. I think from now on I need to be put on a leash and walked through airports, due to the amount of times I ended up on the total opposite side from where I needed to be. I also need to have a travel partner, because I wasn't able to share the ridiculous things I experienced with anybody. So let me share here.

1. I know you guys thought you were being super cute. But when you sit beside me giggling, and necking the entire flight, I will purge any remnant of alcohol I have left in my stomach on your lap. You disgusted my hung-over self.

2. I really questioned your sanity when you decided it was a good idea to wear a t-shirt that said, "If dalmatians were human, I'd be married to one." Maybe because I was in Texas at the time? I don't really know how to explain your reasoning.

3. I was really concerned when the person sitting beside me disappeared midway through the flight, and never returned. Did you die in the lavatory? Or did I smell that bad? Well, my feet did/do stink horribly currently. RIP seat-mate.

4. Airline, when you offer me food, I would really appreciate it if you didn't add a little extra of your own spices. Spices being a long, curly, black pube. I hope this isn't a Peruvian delicacy...

But yes, right now I'm currently sitting at a Starbucks. It's 130am here, and I just want my own bed. Do I get that tonight? Nope, I just to sleep on a comfy plastic chair, hugging all of my luggage so nobody steals it. Sigh. But I should figure my life out in this confusing airport.

Some pictulas, of course.
The last picture is of a blueberry cheesecake treat from a Starbucks in Lima. Delect.

1 comment:

  1. First of all. when you look at Labels: at the bottom of your blog. that made me laugh and I took a photo of it for another future laugh I might enjoy. o pube in food.

    Glad you made it alive cant wait to hear more about your experiences.
